Sunday, 27 April 2014

The Sewing Bee

With echoes of the Women’s Rural Institute, Jeff and I have now formed a sewing bee!!     This came about because I posted on a local facebook page (hilariously named LIFT – Ladies in France Together – sounds naff but it is a very good and useful resource), that I wanted to know where I could take our caravan cushions for repairs as a couple of seams were bursting.     Back came an immediate response from (as it happens) a lady who knew me.    Turns out she is a demon with a needle and had not only re-covered her boat cushions but also her three piece suite in her house – which I subsequently saw first-hand and it was amazing!     So the upshot was that Jane said she would show me how to do it myself.    
I swithered and dithered at this as I had horrendous flashbacks from school days when I tearfully struggled in despair with grubby little fingers, knotted threads, and multiple stab wounds.     I have barely managed to ever even sew a button on since.     I expressed deep doubts and reservations.     But Jane was sure I could be trained.    It was all arranged and Jane duly arrived armed with strong threads, needles and a look of determination.   I felt sick!      
Over cups of Yorkshire Tea we settled down and I had a go, very slowly managing to stitch a few reasonable inches under Jane’s bemused gaze.     I explained about nightmarish childhood sewing classes (compulsory!) and that my sister was the same.    “You are not from a sewing family then?” sniffed Jane.     
Jeff seeing my knotted brows and doleful expression said “’give it ‘ere, I’ll do it in ‘alf the time”.   Music to my ears!    Turns out he can sew! (kept that quiet).     So Jane completed one cushion and we now only have two and a half to do.      
I am not sure whether to thank Jane or slap her!  

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