Sunday 27 April 2014

Road Hog Nurse and Road hog Policeman

A French nurse/road hog nearly run me over and I fell on the pavement trying to escape.   She jumped out her 4 x 4 and treated me at the scene looking a bit sheepish – (the nurse not me!).    I ended up at A&E having 3 stitches (never had a stitch before).   This was one the same arm I hurt last October horse riding – ouch!!   I was very impressed with A&E – straight in to triage and then to treatment.  Only minor waits – all very efficient.   
The Doctor said he wanted the District Nurse to come to my house every two days for two weeks to change the dressing.   The nurse duly knocked on our door two days later – it was the road hog nurse!!   Serves her right.

The incident reminded me of a childhood accident when virtually the same thing happened! I was about 7 or 8 years old and crossing a main road (the A1 actually as it was then before being by-passed as it is now).   I was going to my cousin Sheena's house - they lived directly across from us.   I had on a Burberry and if anyone remembers them, they were dark blue with a big belt and a huge square hood.    I had been taught to look right, look left, look right again - but, could not see for the hood so ran across the road, right in front of an off-duty 'road hog' policeman called as it turns out Mr Winter.   He got a terrible shock and so did I!!    He must have been chugging along at about 30 MPH and it was all my fault.    I remember my dad carrying me back to the house and my leg was bleeding and I was wailing.     My dad gave me a book called 'The Phoenix and the Carpet'  by E Nesbit, to read as I recuperated on the couch.     It was a wonderful childrens book and I still have it to this day.
I have just found out from google that it was the second part of a trilogy called the Story of the Amulet (1906).    I never knew that so will look out for the full set and settle down for a good read!

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