As usual I 'chatted' to her in a loud sing, song voice as I approached. It was very, very dark and my torch batteries were fading..... I thought I heard a rustle in the hedge and fleetingly thought maybe a fox or big feral cat was prowling. I talked louder
"Hello Mrs Mac" I boomed into the dark, feeling around for the catch to the hen house. "coochy, coochy coo. So how are you wee hen?" I shouted
"are you cold? It's a frosty one tonight" I told her
"look here's your bottle there's a good girl" I cluckedI caught a flash of her tiny wee eyes and carried on making loud cluck, cluck, clucking noises (this to comfort her) as I carefully laid the hot bottles next to her nesting box and then locked the hutch for the night. I shouted
"night, night then Mrs Mac there's a good wee girl - see you tomorrow"... and then I heard a car engine and loud hooves like a stampede - which it was! It was the French farmer herding cows in the dark up our lane to the back field. By the light of his car headlights I could see two farm hands who must have been standing in the bushes waiting on the cows - and listening to me!!
I was mortified and fled to the house!!
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