Tuesday, 19 November 2013

2013 in summary (first Blog posting)

This is the last Christmas 'letter' from me and no more letters from the cat either!! From now on all I have to do is update this blog thingy every now and again, you read it and hey presto, no more need for the annual round robin!   Hooray!
I have been promising myself this little indulgence for a long time and after a training session with Joel in the summer, started blogging .... Blogs are supposed to be little daily diary snippets and will be just that from now on, but to bring readers up to speed, this item is just a wee bit longer...
The year got off to a lovely start when we heard in January the wonderful news that Jonathan McMillan had got engaged to the gorgeous Kate (Wareham) and we look forward to their wedding next year in Scotland (yes DJJeff is booked and plastic 'air'-guitars on order!).        
This month we hosted a 'united nations' Burns Supper (of course) 'ben the gîte' with 22 guests.      Jeff did his usual Yorkshire address to the Haggis - hilarious and we had a good show of poems and songs from the guests.  
To the Haggis: "...and then, O what a glorious sight, 
Warm-reekin', rich!"
The braw Mr and Mrs Black fae Mauchline now resident at Villedieu, Charente
The rest of January passed quietly apart from a charming visit with Phil (oh-dear-the-cellar-is-flooded-and-I-can't-get-to-the-cognac) and his long suffering gorgeous wife Fran, to an old family run cognac distillery (Neuvicqo-le-chateau) complete with ancient cobwebs... The merchandise was superb and the proprietor Monsieur Balluet most entertaining!
Cobwebs to add flavour!

Monsieur Balluet's distillery

The Tasting - oh well someone has to do it....
Then on 4th February we were delighted to celebrate (handy we had the cognac!) the birth of baby Daniel - a gorgeous wee brother for Peter, Susie, Sophie and Zach and another cousin for Ella and Harry.    He is blond like his sisters and as they say here a bavard ('talks' a lot - we know he is there!!).      So we zoomed back to the UK to see the new arrival that week and then again in March.
Daniel Paul Barrow - 1 month old

Daniel at 8 months
(on his dedication day in October)
 with his Mum Tracey xx

I managed to nip up to Scotland in February for a few nights at Mary's.    We had a splendid walk on the beach with Liz Russell (of the Patterson variety).   Mary and I visited Auntie Dorothy at Bankhead who was as ever full of interesting tales and family snippets.    We also had an amazing tour of Fa'Side Castle courtesy of the resident family.  It was a ruin when we were children and has been beautifully restored.   Quite magical.

Mary and Liz on the beach at Dunbar

Mary and I with obligatory flask of coffee
.... and oatcakes

We also met up with Allan and Alison (Jeff's brother and his wife) and had a grand singsong.   

Alison, Carol and Allan

Allan and Jeff - 'Mack the Knives'

In March Jeff and I moved 60 miles north from Charente-Maritime to our current house in Le Retail, Deux-Sèvres (about an hour from Poitiers) and we expect to be here for quite a long time (remind me I said that!).     

We love this house and the area - very tranquil with awesome sunrise and sunsets.     Spring in April and May was just heavenly with lots of walking in the superb Forêt de Secondigny next to the house, and making new friends.

old barn and abandoned orchard
 at the bottom of the garden
We also had good news in May that at last the house in Bradford had sold (although it did not complete until July!!) so that was huge relief.     

We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in May on the Ile de Ré with David and Natasha who brought Harry and Ella to visit.    It was a splendid action packed week.

Dave, Natasha and kids at the La Vallée des Singes
Dave, Natasha, Harry and Ella buying bread 
at the Fenioux bread festival

In June we had a hilarious week when Mary and Liz came to visit.   
Liz got a bargain, Mary got a hat!

'Two Old ladies' 
after a hard days bartering at the market...


LtoR: Val, Mick, Mrs Mac

This month we received a gift of three chickens (Mrs Mac, Val and Mick) who kept us going all summer with gorgeous eggs and funny antics.   They came from a neighbouring farm owned by the amazing Jean-Francois and his charming wife Christine.    Alas they were a bit too free range... (the chicks not Jean-Francois and Christine...)

Jeff and I had a week camping (this was a real novelty for us) on the Ile de Ré at the end of June - which was fantastic.    We cycled around the island and enjoyed people-watching the hordes of european tourists....
me chilling at 'tent' after a day cycling

Jeff getting shirt off on hammock - its not easy!!
Yes June was a funny month!!     

July brought our friend Carol to visit followed by John and Barbara Barrow en route down south.     
Carol (waterbaby) Robinson - Jeff was that a pose?

This month DJJeff went 'into print' (see page 32 this link) Deux-Sevres magazine  resulting in some local fame and I now find everywhere I go I have become known as  'The DJs wife or La femme du DJ'.... I am thinking of wearing a badge too!

Jeff also joined a local 'cricket club' (some other rusty ex-pats with a bat and ball) with the inevitable aches and pains and groans after each match (thought we had put all that behind us!!) - oh joy.

In August we hosted a French student for a week which was a wonderful rewarding experience.     Isis (age 15) came from Tours and had English lessons with me every day and touristy excursions in the afternoons.   She was a delightful guest and great fun (happy to be dressed as a Pearly Queen for a local 'cockney night').    
Isis said politely "yes I like your english customs"
This is something we hope to do more of next year (hosting paying students not dressing as Pearly Queens).    It was hard work preparing all the lessons, but so worthwhile.    On one of our excursions with Isis we were delighted to be accompanied by the veteran francophone and Thespian Linda Cass who managed to take time off from her busy schedule with Encore Theatre.

It was my brother Bill and his wife Ella’s Ruby Wedding in August too which we sadly missed, but we hear it was a splendid day.   Here they are...
Ella and Bill 1973

Congratulations - Bill and Ella 2013 

Mary said "What did the sea say to Santa?
 Nothing, it just waved" (groan)
In this picture of John, Mary and Rob at the Ruby Wedding - it looks like John and Rob must have heard that one before!!   Rob was having a well-earned rest from his busy role working as a volunteer driver with the RVS.   Well done Rob!

The autumn months were spent harvesting lots and lots of fruit from neighbouring orchards, forest and our garden, so we now have barrow-loads of jams and chutneys; and talking of Barrows....

Our big highlight in October was going back to Bradford for Daniel Barrow's dedication service and a huge glorious family party with 24 adults and 000's of kids!!     Many thanks to Tracey, Natasha, Sheila and Barbara for the most delicious lunch!!

The seven Barrows

Tracey and Joel watch with pride as
Daniel is carried round to meet the congregation
kids LtoR: Susie, Zach, Sophie and Peter

Mum, when's lunch, I'm hungry..."

Kids in girl's room....

...more kids in boy's room

So what else have we been doing?    First of all lots of other visitors for little pit stops throughout the year, too numerous to mention, have kept us on our toes.    All good fun and laughs and all very welcome as we hone our hosting repertoire!! (indeed!).     

We have been going to French language classes.   At first we went together, but then we were separated as our eagle eyed teacher identified that we have 'différents objectifs' she said wagging her finger....   So now Jeff plays cards (Happy Families) with his mates and has a good gossip (some of it in French) while I slave over grammar with a fiendish 'professeur principal' with a strange sense of humour..... 

...."non, non, non Mar-ga-ret it is not 'qui avez-vous mangé pour le petit déjeuner?' (who did you eat for breakfast?) but 'que mangez-vous au petit dejeuner?' (what do you eat for breakfast?).   so! what are you Mar-ga-ret - a cannibal!  is that why I cannot see Jeff today? You have eaten him huh?" (and this theme was kept up relentlessly for the next hour - with lots of gaélique tittering)

Jeff has been very busy building up his disco/karaoke business (in english and french) and now has a good following at local bars and some camp sites down south.    He has 7 wedding bookings already for 2014 (6 French and 1 Scottish) and 1 for 2015!!    I am picking up English teaching assignments which I really enjoy.     I have also been doing some voluntary work in a dress agency LouLesBelles helping out my friend and very busy young Mum Lesley - it has been good fun and a challenge sorting out my 'pantaloons' from my 'jupes'... 

It has been a fabulous year.    What more can we say? Probably loads actually as there are lots of family and friends not mentioned - but as I now have the Blog thingy started, it will just be constant flow of drivel - bet you can't wait!!

Nous vous souhaitons un très joyeux Noël et une Bonne Année.
Love from
The DJs Wife!

ps thanks to John Barrow Photos Inc for Daniel's dedication church scenes and Joel Barrow Inc for not sighing, huffing and puffing too much in response to my endless pleas for help in starting this Blog....

..... lastly here is a link sent by Isis's mother, Sabine - watch it on full screen and hang on to your PC for this one - it was filmed off the Finistere Coast - you will never take your fish fingers for granted again!!


and finally...

What does Santa suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney?

Why does Santa have three gardens?
So he can 'ho ho ho'!

Why did Santa's helper see the doctor?
Because he had a low "elf" esteem!

What kind of motorbike does Santa ride?
A Holly Davidson!

What do you call a cat in the desert?
Sandy Claws!

Who delivers presents to cats?
Santa Paws!

What do you call Father Christmas in the beach?
Sandy Clause!

What does Santa do with fat elves?
He sends them to an Elf Farm!